Liberal Arts


Liberal Arts

A liberal arts education is intended to expand the capacity of the mind to think critically and analyze information effectively. It develops and strengthens the brain to think within and across all disciplines so that it may serve the individual over a lifetime. Students choose a specific major when they attend a liberal arts college, but they are also required to take courses in a variety of disciplines, where there is a heavy focus on writing and communicating effectively.

Liberal arts colleges also tend to be smaller institutions that focus on undergraduates and teaching. The hallmarks of liberal arts colleges, such as Bowdoin, Williams, and Amherst, are small class sizes, close access to professors and undergraduate research opportunities, and a broad-based academic program in in the core subject areas of mathematics, the social sciences, and the hard sciences.

Study areas in liberal arts:

    • Political Science
    • Psychology
    • Literature
    • History
    • Philosophy
    • Mathematics
    • Sociology

Careers and roles in liberal arts:

    • Policy developer
    • corporate strategy officer
    • Risk advisor
    • Market or Social researcher
    • Change manager
    • Market analyst

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